Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Sport during pregnancy - health for mother and child

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes numerous changes on a hormonal and structural level as well as in the cardiovascular system. In the midst of this fascinating process, it is important to emphasize that sport can be a valuable resource to support the expectant mother's body and prepare it optimally for the birth.

Regular exercise during pregnancy improves the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the expectant mother. In addition, high blood pressure and gestational diabetes can be prevented. Targeted training of the pelvic floor in particular plays a decisive role.

The following illustration from Swiss Olympic shows a specific exercise sequence for training the pelvic floor muscles.

Swiss Olympics. 2020. infographic pelvic floor.

The increasing downward pressure and hormonal changes during pregnancy make the affected tissue increasingly soft. Correct training can prevent potential subsequent problems such as incontinence or sexual dysfunction. The positive effects of exercise during pregnancy go beyond purely physical health. Studies show that people who exercise regularly sleep better and suffer less from depression, stress and anxiety. Last but not least, the growing foetus also benefits from the mother's exercise. The resting heart rate and body fat of the offspring of active women are reduced, while the function of the placenta is improved. The foetus also benefits from optimized amniotic fluid production and overall increased stress resistance. All these factors help to reduce complications during birth and shorten the recovery time after delivery.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week for all pregnant women. Exercise should be constantly adapted to individual needs, abilities and symptoms. Women who were already active before pregnancy can usually continue their training at high intensities. It is important to ensure an adequate intake of fluids and calories, as the expectant mother now not only has to feed herself, but also her growing baby.

Swiss Olympics. 2020. infographic training pregnancy.

Despite the positive effects of exercise during pregnancy, there are some safety guidelines to follow. Body temperature should remain below 38 degrees Celsius during exercise and the heart rate should not exceed 148 beats per minute. The optimal exercise duration is between 30 and 60 minutes, whereby isolated abdominal exercises and extreme jumps should be avoided. Vaginal and abdominal bleeding, leakage of amniotic fluid, shortness of breath prior to exercise and pain are considered criteria for discontinuation.

We are happy to help you with any concerns or need for support in the area of training or therapeutic measures. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us - we will be happy to assist you in the best possible way on this multifaceted journey during pregnancy or in the postnatal phase.

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